Monday, September 27, 2010

Immigration into Mexico

Inmigración es bueno. Inmigración es no mal  Estados Unidos y inmigrante y economía.

The above image (the site wouldn't embed - sorry) tends to sum up the general American feelings about immigration as a whole (even legal immigration it seems at times). Funnily enough, though America is up in arms about the illegal immigration problems our country faces, Mexico has the same problem, primarily from Central American countries. The Mexican government, on average, deports 150,000 illegal immigrants from Central America alone every year. This obviously doesn't provide an accurate statement to understand how many illegal immigrants actually come into Mexico -just how many are found out and deported. If the US can be used as a comparative as to how, proportionally, many people are caught and deported, it is safe to say that many, many, many immigrants go undetected for the remainder of their stay in the country, however long that may be. Most from Central America that sneak into Mexico are escaping the drug trade and cartels that effect their day to day life - you know if someone wants in Mexico that their previous home was obvious a poor, poor place to live. Mexico isn't exactly safe or cartel free itself.

I write about this because immigration is truly good for our country. As Americans, we have grown lazy and self-aggrandized. Without immigrants, there would honestly be no one willing to do the work that needs to be done - the 'dirty work' that Americans seem to think themselves above. Besides, a mixing pot of cultures is what the United States is about; not only does it help the natives of our country, but the lives of those immigrants, whether they get here by legal or illegal means, improve drastically as well. There is no true rhyme or reason as to why people are opposed to immigration except for fear - fear that someone will take away the copious amounts of stuff that they own and, for some reason, hold dear. Until this greedy mentality can be let go of by the American people, sadly, I doubt that immigration will be an accepted thing by most people. It's stupid, and it should be changed.