Monday, November 1, 2010

Gender Roles

Las familias latinas son muy diferentes que las familias en los estados unidos.  Los hombres latinos trabajan afuera de la casa y cuando regresan ellos miran el tv o pasan tiempo con sus amigos.  Las mujeres normalmente no tienen trabaja afuera de la casa.  Ellas cocinan, crean a los hijos, y limpian.  Normalmente las mujeres no tiene trabaja afuera de la casa y es muy raro para una mujer a trabajar y tener hijos.  El hombre es el jefe de la casa y no hay muchos divorcios.

One of the most pervasive values in the Latino culture is the importance of the family, including the extended family. The family affiliation is so important that “parenthood” is often seen as important as “partnerhood.” The primary goal of marriage is to have children and the family life that ensues. Religion is central to marriage and family life in the Latino culture. Religious beliefs include an understanding of the Bible and other sources of religious teachings and provide guidance on how to live as an individual within the context of a family. There is a prevailing belief among Latinos that much happens in life that is outside of a person’s control. Traditional gender roles in the Latino culture greatly affect marriage and family dynamics. Machismo refers to maleness or manliness and it is expected that a man be physically strong, unafraid, and the authority figure in the family, with the obligation to protect and provide for his family. The complementary role for the woman is Marianismo, referring to a woman who is self-sacrificing, religious, and is responsible for running the household and raising the children. Motherhood is an important goal in the latino culture, and a mother is expected to sacrifice for her children and to take care of the elderly relatives.

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